Java Introduction
Loops, Arrays and Functions
Object Oriented Programming
Packages, Access Modifiers/ Exception Handling
Collection API/Reflection API
String, File Handling, Log4j, /Handling XLS files
Junit 4 Framework / ANT
TestNg Framework / ANT
Selenium IDE
Selenium WebDriver
Selenium 2.0 Features
Junit and Data Driven Framework
Junit and Hybrid Framework
TestNg and Data Driven Framework
TestNg and Hybrid Framework
Introduction to selenium RC
Selenium RC Features
Selenium RC Pop Up and Tab handling
Selenium RC WebTables
Selenium RC - Data Driven Framework
DataDriven Framework with Junit and Selenium RC
Flash Testing with Selenium RC
Flash Testing with Selenium WebDriver
Subversion (SVN)
Apache Maven
Java DataBase Connectivity JDBC
DataBase Testing of Sample Web CRM Application
Selenium Grid 2
Applet Testing with Selenium
Working with ChromeDriver
IE Driver (for Internet Explorer)
Page Object Model (POM)
Page Object Model (POM) With Page Factory